I love my machine. It is nearly as old as I am, but it saw me through the horrors of high school, the craziness of college, the loneliness of living on my own, and the downside of divorce.
And like me ... it is still kicking.
Someone said to me ... why don't you just go and buy a better machine? I will, someday, but this machine can sew tulle as well as it can sew upholestery fabric. It can make a quilt or a pair of pants, and it never whines, complains, or worse yet, beeps at me. And it goes FAST.
Someone else teased me, saying that it looked like the machines on the Mrs. Sew and Sew fabric. I don't care. This machine got knocked over by a two year old and survived! The worst thing that happened is the curlicue feeder on the above picture got bent. But I picked it up and started sewing right after the incident!
I love my machine. I think I will name her Serenity. (Because I also love alliteration!)