15 December 2010

Hoot Hoot!

I hate Halloween.
Literally, I do. I think it is a stupid holiday. It isn’t even a holiday. It is a stupid excuse for kids to run around like fools, get free candy, and get sick off it.
So when I went into my favorite quilt store to look at the clearance, all of the gorgeous colors were in Halloween collections.
Andrea, my quilting psychologist, encouraged me to think outside the box. “Instead of looking at the entire collection and thinking Halloween, just look at individual items within the collections and select one or two fabrics you like.”
Why are the simplest solutions the ones we can’t seem to fathom?
Look at my fun collection of fabrics!
Now that I am part of a quilt guild, they are challenging the members to try different kinds of squares. In 6 months, we are supposed to have a full quilt. Well, I just can’t wait that long! So I am starting at least two, and making squares until I am sick of it!
We will see what happens!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

It's sooooo cool! I'm jealous that you got the last of the blue "Eyes Wise!" I'm so proud of you!